Joyce Kawalchuk, L.Ac. is a Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of New Jersey. She is Board Certified as a Diplomate of Acupuncture by the NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) and is the founder of JOYSOMA Acupuncture.
Following completion of her Bachelor's degree in Biology (SUNY New Paltz), Joyce attended the Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine, where she obtained her acupuncture degree with extensive training in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Classical Five Element Acupuncture, Japanese Acupuncture, Orthopedic Acupuncture, and Western medical theory. Joyce has clinical experience as an acupuncturist for the Veteran Affairs Health Care System, as well as over 14 years' experience in the spa and wellness industry. With years of clinical success in private practice in Arizona, she seeks to transition her practice to Princeton, New Jersey to continue offering exceptional integrative health care.
Born and raised in New York’s Hudson Valley region, Joyce is delighted to offer a balanced approach to wellness to the greater Princeton area. Her treatments blend modern and traditional techniques with an emphasis on orthopedic acupuncture and Eastern dietary therapy. Joyce is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care by addressing your root concerns and helping you effectively restore health and well-being through natural healing.
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4446 NJ-27, Suite 8, Kingston, NJ 08528
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